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Events & Outreach (Local Services, Hong Kong)
「音樂天文仁」阿朗 (Exodus Sit)
作為星野攝影師、外展天文導師,現任香港天文組織「星匯點」會長,開創「天文一分鐘」網上頻道,飾演「天文仁」與大眾分享觀星心得。亦擔任《立場科哲》、星島教育《陽光校園》等的專欄作家。曾獲邀於香港無綫電視《東張西望》、《今日VIP》及《Y Angle》等節目擔任專訪嘉賓,並於香港電台CIBS和商業電台多個節目分享天文知識。
Exodus Sit, FRAS, FRGS, FGS is experienced in amateur astrophotography and outreach stargazing. Telescope set-ups could be provided for planetary and deep-sky observations. Feel free to contact him for further information.
Astronomy Carnival
@Hong Kong Space Museum
Experiential Course @Ho Koon Astronomical Centre
Nat Geo Experts Mr. Vincent Cheng 不動明王, Mr. Samson So, Mr. Mew Chu, Dr. Anson Tong & Mr. Kelvin Yuen
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